My "Sara" model is part of this wonderful website on the history of Lake Champlain

My "Sara" model is part of this wonderful website on the history of Lake Champlain
Cannons !

Saturday, January 7, 2012

"Too big to fail" must end ! the "trust busting" TR did; "de-monopolization", etc. and ending big
bailouts of ANY sort, and instead breaking them up and selling to American
interests...not foreign, as is the standard practice in many countries as well..
try to buy shoreline in Spain..not unless you're Spanish, etc. AND the claims
to date must be adjudicated for culpability and malfeasance, as well as taking
deriviatives off every table, except the "gamblers" as in Las Vegas, such that
Americans cannot be held to account when their $175 Trillion goes belly-up,
perhaps any time now..."somehow" fully insured by the FDIC ! WHO did that ?

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